Monkey Masters: Jason Dorsey
For my third interview of Monkey Masters, I am thrilled to interview Jason Dorsey. Jason is one of the most interesting entrepreneurs I have ever met and his insights, experience and background are truly exceptional. The list of Jason’s accomplishments is too long...
Monkey Masters: Jason Dorsey
For my third interview of Monkey Masters, I am thrilled to interview Jason Dorsey. Jason is one of the most interesting entrepreneurs I have ever met and his insights, experience and background are truly exceptional. The list of Jason’s accomplishments is too long...
Read the Latest from Mike Smerklo
The Greatest Competitor You’ve Never Met
Selling against inertia (or ‘do nothing,’ ‘no decision’) is a bitch. Don’t overlook this formidable competitor when it comes to marketing your startup.
Entrepreneurship Shapes The World
I was fortunate to be interviewed for a great podcast call “Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do” – link below takes you to the podcast!
What The Economist Got Wrong About the Decline of Silicon Valley
In summary, I would assert that the article is only half right – the data points they highlight about Silicon Valley are correct, but their assumptions about what that means for the future of innovation are wrong.
Advice For Entrepreneurs On Board Management: Mind The Information Gap
One, simple conversation with a mentor led me to realize that a Board can be the pivotal difference between success and failure during your entrepreneurial journey.
The 3 Mistakes I Made as a CEO Learning To Manage Time
As a CEO, smart time management is critical to success. Let me tell you a dirty little secret: It doesn’t always come naturally, especially to entrepreneurs that become executives.
Know Thyself, Know Thy Leader: Steps To Hiring A Successful Sales Leader
Getting sales right is the key to taking your idea, dream or emerging growth to the next level. Only by knowing thy self will you be able to know thy sales leader when you see them.
Thoughts on Scaling a Sales Force (among other things)
I was fortunate to have the opportunity to discuss the ups and downs – and share lots of mistakes I made – in scaling the sales function. Thanks much to James Lattin for moderating this session at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business.
Help Us Get to SXSW’s 2018 Lineup
Wow, SXSW is coming soon and for a reasonably new resident of Austin – cheers to two years! - it is an incredibly exciting time for me and for my venture firm, Next Coast Ventures. I am almost embarrassed to admit that I am a “south-by’ virgin, having only...
Of Dogs. Of Miracles. Of Dogs Named Miracle…
Good bye to my dear old dog Miracle – thank you for the life lessons you taught me.